Patrice McLaurin

Host Leanna Mora interviews author Patrice McLaurin. McLaurin is a children's author and has written many books, including Dandi McLion has her say! and 'I am because I choose'.

Leanna Mora Hosts

Host Leanna Mora joins author Deedee Cummings as they discuss the vision behind Make A Way Media and It Pay's To Read.

Deedee Hosts

This week author Deedee Cummings hosts. She will talk with guests and help answer their questions about becoming a self-published author.

Melissa Gaddie Louisville Book Festival

Leanna Mora hosts and interviews  Louisville Book Festival's Event Coordinator, Melissa Gaddie. Gaddie will share details about the upcoming event on October 28-29 and the vision behind our first in-person festival.

Crystel Patterson

Leanna Mora hosts and interviews author Crystel Patterson. Patterson is a children's author and has written the 'Inspired To Be' series.

Louisville Book Festival Info!

Leanna Mora hosts and interviews Deedee Cummings. Cummings will share the details of the upcoming Louisville Book Festival on October 28-29 and discuss many of the presentations and amazing authors who will be attending.

Maya Payne Smart

Leanna Mora hosts and interviews nationally recognized author, Maya Payne Smart. Smart is the headlining author of the Louisville Book Festival. She is the author of 'Reading for Our Lives' a literacy guide for parents.

Brittany Thurman

Leanna Mora hosts and interviews nationally recognized author Brittany Thurman. Thurman is the author of 'Fly'. She will also be presenting at the Louisville Book Festival on October 28.

The Louisville Book Festival is tomorrow!

Leanna Mora hosts and interviews CEO and founder of the Louisville Book Festival, Deedee Cummings. Cummings will discuss the upcoming festival and what the public can expect from this exciting city-wide celebration of literacy! The Louisville Book Festival begins Friday, October 28- Saturday, October 29 at the Kentucky International Convention Center in downtown, Louisville.

Femi Fadugba

Make A Way Media is excited to host nationally recognized author, Femi Fadugba. Join Leanna Mora as she interviews him about his Science Fiction children's book, The Upper World. He will also share with you his experiences as a presenter at The Louisville Book Festival and about his visits to Louisville area schools. His book, […]