Deedee Cummings, .

What Are You Willing To Do To Make Your Dreams Come True?

What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true? I don’t know that just hard work is enough. We live in a very noisy world. Everyone is talking and everything is an algorithm. It feels like you cannot be noticed if you are not already connected to someone who has the ability to help you go higher.

This week I am doing something radical to make my dreams come true. I am making a connection. I am very blessed that I have the ability to do it. I am also blessed that I ran all my plans by family and they said, “go for it”. I’m so grateful for this response.

There comes a point when you have taken yourself as far as you can go. It is time to make real connections. So, that is what I am going to do. I have texted a few friends this week that I would be back in a few days. “I am going to do something crazy,” I added. My friends all know how hard I work for my dreams. Not a single one asked what I was talking about. It is as if they knew, “There goes Deedee- chasing those dreams again”.

Bold dreams require bold action. Crazy dreams require crazy action. As Jen Sincero would say in my favorite self-help book You Are A Badass, dreams require “hellbent-for-glory type action”. Hell yes. I’m in full hellbent mode. I am determined to make this dream happen.

I want to know what you are willing to do? I know this is a very common phrase, but it is so common because it is so true: we get one life. I am not going to be one of those people on my deathbed wishing I tried. No, I will be on my deathbed and be grateful for the rest.

This article I am writing today is a whisper to the universe. Hear my plea. I have big dreams. I am taking big action. I will see big results. There is nothing impossible. Everything I need already exists. I just have to go get it. And the same is true for you. You can do this. We can do this. Go. Get. It.

By now, I am sure you are wondering, “Just what is Deedee up to?” I cannot wait to tell you. I’ll be back next week.
