Deedee Cummings, .

Still Celebrating Mother’s Day

I went to an HBCU called Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina. It is one of only two Historically Black Colleges for women in the entire country. I have a great support circle because of this and you will often hear me talk about my Bennett sisters on social media. Shortly before Mother’s Day, one of my sisters named Toni Sharvette posted this image and talked about self-care, one of my favorite subjects.
I asked Toni if I could share this picture with you because I thought that it is a perfect example of how to utilize easy and inexpensive self-care items throughout the day, week, month or year. Or you can gift this little corner to a friend you know who needs it. We often think self-care has to be hard or extra or time-consuming. If it’s hard it’s not self-care. Try to take the time to do something just for you. There is a lot summarized in this one photo. Here are some things I see:
🌱Be protective of your favorite mug.
🌱 Make your favorite drink.
🌱 Choose your own affirmation or positive intention for the day.
🌱Pick up an inspirational read and leave it out like wallpaper.
🌱Let some sunlight in.
🌱Surround yourself with tidiness and pretty things.
🌱nurture something small and easy that gives you something back.
These are small self-care reminders that add up to one big exhale. This is part of my #takingcareofmein2023 series where you can follow along as I work hard to put myself first this year. Something I have not done in my entire life. It has not been easy because I have spent decades putting out fires and running to people who needed me even though I had nothing left to give. Last year I reached my breaking point and realized I could not help anyone else if I was not willing to help myself. Now I look for inspiration everywhere and I find it so easily when it seems I never could before. This was all because I was not looking. I am happy to share what I am learning with you so we can do this together.